2017-2018 Parker Adams Registration Available Soon!

The Parker-Adams Program in Harris Hall is a living-learning community designed to integrate classroom and residential experiences. Essentially, students study and live in an environment that focuses primarily on academic achievement but also encourages leadership, service learning, and engagement in both the University and Tuscaloosa communities.

Students in this program become knowledgeable about campus resources, participate in campus events, and develop successful academic competencies.  Students not only get more academic knowledge but also gain self-knowledge as we help them to be the best students and people they can be. Friendships formed in this program enrich the entire college career of the participants.

Faculty and staff are specifically appointed to advise and support Parker-Adams students through a mentorship program. This allows Parker-Adams students get to know and spend time with their faculty. Academic advising is available in the residence and help is available for students who need assistance in defining their interests.

The first year in a student’s college career is extremely important and the Parker-Adams Program is designed to help students succeed!

For more information, go to the Parker Adams page.